A list of resources, including useful public service phone numbers and service pharmacies.
Entity | Phone |
Tourist Information Office | (+351) 281 322 511 |
Support to Tourists | (+351) 800 296 296 |
Railways | (+351) 808 208 208 |
Town Hall | (+351) 281 320 500 |
National Emergency | 112 |
Health Centre | (+351) 281 329 000 |
Fire Brigade | (+351) 281 322 122 |
Police Station | (+351) 281 322 022 |
Port Authority | (+351) 281 322 438 |
Naval Police | (+351) 281 321 777 |
Pharmacies in Tavira
All pharmacies are open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 - 13:00 and 15:00 - 19:00
Any pharmacy will display a 24h service.
In case of emergency dial 112
You will be prompted to choose between Police, Ambulance or Fire Brigade