Tavira Facebook Group

If you are a fan of Social Networking, there is a Tavira Facebook Group dedicated to Tavira lovers. You can ask or answer questions of other members, share photos and thoughts.I created this Group 2 months ago just for fun, it has 8 members so far :P but I'd love to see it grow and build a community, and maybe someday we can meet in Tavira.So join in if you like, you're more than welcome :) … [Read more...]

Visit Tavira and Tavira as touristic destination

A couple of months ago (around January) I was contacted by an editor of the Barlavento Newspaper. They found my Visit Tavira very interesting and wanted to write and article about it. I confess, I was flattered by the proposal and promptly accepted.After answering a short questionnaire, Filipe Antunes - Editor on the mentioned Newspaper - wrote a very good article about my site of which I'm very thankful, originally it's just available in … [Read more...]

Tavira has a new image

Created by the folks at IP Quatro, where I worked for around 4 years as a Graphic Designer.Here is the logo for all the comunication and advertising of Tavira. If in the future you see something like this you know you're going to Visit Tavira :)Common applications for the logo: … [Read more...]

Visit Tavira has a new domain name

I decided to change domain name, and I had to do it as soon as possible due to the fact the Blog is growing. So why did I choose Visit Tavira instead of the old Tavira Live? Well, this is a reference to whomever wants to visit Tavira, the most beautiful city in the Algarve Region, so I want the name of the Blog to be closest to the users needs... And that's a very good reason.So, if you plan to visit Tavira or will be visiting Tavira in the … [Read more...]